Make a zine, take a zine! Led by Patrick Williams (Librarian for Literature, Rhetoric, and Digital Humanities) and Stephen Singer (Technology Consultant), the Syracuse University Libraries will be hosting a zine-making event on Wednesday, December 5 from 3:00-5:00 p.m. at the Blackstone LaunchPad (1st floor of Bird Library). Learn about zine culture while also taking a break before finals to cut, draw, fold, and create some of your own.
Zines are independent, self-published works focused on a topic of interest. From their origins as science fiction fanzines of the 1930s, to the rise of punk zines of the 1970s and feminist zines of the 1990s Riot Grrrl movement, zines have developed in popular culture as a form of self-expression. Their topics have ranged widely, allowing zine creators (or “zinesters”) to address a diverse array of personal passions.
No prior experience or creative skills are needed—just an interest in engaging in some do-it-yourself (DIY) fun! Your zines can be about anything that moves you: photography, music, poetry, politics, your love of coffee, recipes, personal stories, or anything you’d like to get on the page.
We’ll bring plenty of zine-making materials—including templates, magazines, comic books, stickers, card stock, a photocopier, and other various crafting supplies—but feel free bring any other materials you want to use or share. We’ll also provide examples of other student-made zines from our newly launched zine collection.
For questions or more information, please contact Tarida Anantachai at tanantac@syr.edu. We look forward to seeing you there!