Workshops on developing a winning business model and pitch presentation: November 3 and 7

Impact Prize winning team
Winning student team, PAANI, at recent Impact Prize Competition, with David Seaman, Dean of SU Libraries

Competition season is heating up at Syracuse, and not just on the football field. Each year, the most innovative minds on campus come together to pitch their ideas for products, services, technologies, and social impact projects for a combined prizes of more than $150,000 from the Blackstone LaunchPad at SU Libraries, Whitman School of Management and the iSchool, as well as state, national and global student competitions.

Syracuse University has a reputation for being among the most competitive in the country, with LaunchPad students winning more than $4 million in these kinds of events over the past seven years.

To help this year’s cohort of contestants prepare, the LaunchPad is offering two workshops:

  • Thursday, November 3 at 2 p.m.
  • Monday, November 7 at 2 p.m.

Both workshops will be in the LaunchPad and will include an overview of the “recipe” for success, along with tips by seasoned student entrepreneurs who have won previous competitions.

In addition to the workshop, campus teams will receive important updates and information about upcoming competitions, as well as other tools to help them prepare for the 2022 – 2023 season which kicks off with the Impact Prize on November 11 at Bird Library.

To register for the workshops,, e-mail: