Syracuse University tech talent is invited to volunteer for the first-in-the-nation technology service partnership with leading global technology companies by volunteering to support New York State’s COVID-19 response. New York State is establishing a volunteer SWAT Team of companies and individuals who will be deployed across high-impact and urgent coronavirus response activities to help develop and build technology solutions that will accelerate and amplify the response to COVID-19. The State is looking for impactful solutions and skilled tech employees to help.
Individuals from leading global technology companies will work with volunteers across high-impact and urgent coronavirus response activities. There is a particular need for professionals with experience in product management, software development / engineering, hardware deployment & end-user support, data science, operations management, design, or other similar areas. Technology companies, universities, nonprofits, research labs, and other organizations with technology expertise are invited to submit an expression of interest.
If you are interested, please fill out the form below. This service opportunity would be, at minimum, a 90-day volunteer commitment with opportunity to extend it as the response effort evolves.
Volunteer for a SWAT Team here: https://www.ny.gov/content/join-state-technology-swat-team
Learn more here: https://www.ny.gov/programs/new-york-state-covid-19-technology-swat-team