NEXIS is a student-led technology research lab in the Syracuse University School of Information Studies focusing on Emerging Technologies. NEXIS accelerates learning and provokes innovation by enabling both graduate and undergraduate students to explore emerging technologies through collaborative research projects, and works with the Syracuse LaunchPad to commercialize research that comes out of the NEXIS lab.
NEXIS students work collaboratively with their team, faculty mentors, and external organizations to develop innovative and impactful research. Through research and experiential learning, students have the opportunity to learn new skills and become the next generation of innovators. Projects focus on utilizing emerging technologies such as VR, 3D printing, blockchain, data science, and more to solve real-world problems by developing innovative applications.
Located on the 3rd floor of the iSchool in room 339, the NEXIS smart lab is outfitted with all types of technology ranging from a virtual reality headset to a sensor that monitors how many people are the lab at a given time. With the help faculty advisor, Professor Michael Fudge, the Smart Lab continues to grow with new technology and new ideas.
One of the most recent projects conducted by the 3D printing team was to create a 3D printed hydroponic system. The objective was to learn how 3D printing can be beneficial to the alternative agricultural industry. The team utilized 3D printed material to create a structure that was able to grow microgreens. Along with their 3D printed structure, they used other technologies to create an automated watering system. This is a great example of NEXIS members utilizing a technology in the smart lab to explore new ideas.
The NEXIS team strives to learn by exploring new technologies, asking more questions, and pushing themselves beyond their comfort zone. Most importantly, researchers work collaboratively by leveraging their peers’ strengths and perspectives in order to achieve success. NEXIS thrives on innovative collaboration and for this reason NEXIS is always recruiting and looking for new members.
An example of NEXIS research that was successfully commercialized is SolaceVision, a 3D creation tool powered by AI and natural language that can create virtual objects in minutes using text. SolaceVision was developed in the NEXIS lab by Shawn Gaetano, former head of NEXIS, and incubated with the assistance of the Syracuse Blackstone LaunchPad. After graduation he was accepted into the prestigious Techstars LA Music accelerator, and has gone on to raise funds to now work on the venture full time.
This year’s NEXIS director is Ethan Nagorsky ’23, an iSchool student planning some exciting new programs and initiatives for this coming year, starting with an open house the afternoon of Tuesday, September 27. To get in touch email or swing by the iSchool and come check out the lab!
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