Building audience in a pandemic: Learn from Thinc-hub this week

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Are you wondering how to market your company during the pandemic? Join Thinc-Hub Founder Patrick Prioletti and Chief Marketing Officer Kelly Davis on Thursday, November 19 at 2:30 pm to learn how to increase your social media following, start producing great content and discover the secrets of audience engagement.  This free informal Zoom workshop will help you take your marketing to the next level. Join the conversation here.

Thinc-Hub is a user-oriented collaborative and interactive platform for innovators and entrepreneurs to share their ideas and find help. Founded by Patrick Prioletti, it a one-stop-shop to connect to help find team members, discover experts and build a better venture. Thinc-hub’s mission is to foster opportunities for the entrepreneurial and innovative community. Thinc-Hub has continued to market itself through the global pandemic with a strategy led and innovated by Kelly Davis ’23, B.S. Marketing, EEE and TRF at the Martin J. Whitman School of Management and S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications.

Here’s the Zoom link: for November 19 at 2:30 p.m. EST”