The LaunchPad is hiring two paid student writers for the spring semester. We are looking for people who are obsessed with writing and love to produce feature articles. You will be responsible for interviewing and writing one spotlight profile a week focusing on a Syracuse University student innovator or a young alum entrepreneur.
These are incredibly interesting people, so you will enjoy meeting them and telling their stories. We want to profile students from all academic areas who are working on innovation ideas, student startups or creative ventures. We value diversity and inclusion.
Each story will be half human interest part (what makes the person tick), and half on the idea (product/service/technology/impact venture/creative project) they are working on.
We can help you source story ideas and also welcome input from your network.
Stories will be published on the web and will be shared widely across Syracuse University news and social media outlets.
Writers will receive great exposure while building an impressive portfolio of published work. Plus, you’ll have fun meeting amazing people and telling great narrative stories.
Apply only if you absolutely adore writing, are self-motivated, love producing original work on a weekly deadline, and enjoy creative storytelling. Please send a resume and links to some of your writing samples to LaunchPad@syr.edu