Syracuse students invited to apply for the Wege Prize by November 10

photo of team

Great ideas don’t grow on their own.  You need to feed them with inspiration and information. The Wege Prize 2020 team invites Syracuse University students to apply to the, and help solve wicked problems.  The Wege Prize believes in helping teams form a strong base of knowledge from which to develop their original ideas, and so they have created interactive databases and real-world case studies to design guides and expert presentations, to help help develop applicant teams for Wege Prize 2020.  Teams must apply for Wege Prize 2020 by no later than November 10, 2019 to be eligible to compete!

Visit for a wealth of helpful resources on:

The Circular Economy
Wicked Problem Solving
Design Thinking/Human-Centered Design
Business Model Development
Materials and Technologies

Helpful hints for applying:

  • Join the Wege Prize LinkedIn group and post a call for teammates.
  • Talk with your faculty to see if they have colleagues at other institutions who might know of interested students you could connect with.
  • Use your own social networks to post a call for potential teammates.

Be sure to do the following:

More information:

Wege Prize | 17 Fountain St. NW | Grand Rapids, MI 49503 |