SyracuseCoE is pleased to be working with the U.S. Department of Energy and NYSERDA to host the NY/Tri-state regional competition of the U.S. Department of Energy’s 2023 EnergyTech University Prize. Student teams will compete for a total of $370,000 in cash prizes as they explore business opportunities for lab-developed or other high-potential energy technologies, assess commercialization opportunities through market analysis, and present a viable business plan to industry judges.
Interested students are invited to attend an informational webinar on October 26 at 3:00 p.m.
A news story on the competition is available at https://syracusecoe.syr.edu/syracusecoe-hosts-does-energytech-university-prize-again-students-encouraged-to-submit/.
Learn more about the prizes available to students, review the recently released rules and requirements for competing, as well as ideas around energy technologies.
Students are requested to register in advance for the informational webinar.