Patrick Prioletti, G ’21 (School of Information Studies, applied data science) is the co-founder of Thinc-hub, a solution-oriented collaboration platform to make startup life a little easier — from forming a team, to finding resources, to building networks that leverage expertise and talent, and more. He is also is the database manager and analyst at the Blackstone LaunchPad powered by Techstars at SU Libraries, as well as graduate student researcher at the iSchool. Starting his own company and assembling his own team, while working at the LaunchPad with other founders, has given him insight into the missing tools that aspiring innovators need to help make the magic happen. That was his inspiration for Thinc-hub, a collaborative software platform under development as a web and mobile app. The Thinc-hub team is interested in hearing from others engaged in the the startup experience. As part of the customer discovery process, Patrick is seeking input from student entrepreneurs through this quick survey.
Patrick co-founded Thinc-hub with Sultan Mira and Jean Urenas, and they are looking for team members with skill sets in:
- Software security
- Marketing
- Graphic design
Feel free to reach out directly if you are interested in working with the team: Patrick Prioletti,, (315) 447-6548.
If you would like to register for beta access to Thinc-hub, please provide your email address to with the heading Thinc-hub, and we’ll connect you to Patrick for an early access invitation.
Photos: Top, Patrick meeting with a student at the LaunchPad, and bottom, Patrick solving your million dollar problem