Research and discovery are essential to innovation. Enhance your skills through these two opportunities from the Syracuse Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Engagement (The SOURCE), located on the second floor of Bird Library.
Upcoming Research Workshops:
Whether you’re interested in getting started, are already working on a project, or looking for help in presenting your work please join us for one or all of the sessions.
- Tues, April 13th, 11am-12pm | Creating and Presenting Effective and Meaningful Presentations
- Fri, April 16th, 1-2pm | Crafting a Research Elevator Speech
- Fri, April 23rd, 11am-12pm | A Guide to Resumes: Research Experiences
- Wed, April 28th, 11am-12pm | Crafting a Research Elevator Speech
First Year Student Application or Young Research Fellows Program Due April 16
The Young Research Fellows (YRF) program is currently seeking applications for its 2021-23 cohort. Young Research Fellows, guided by a faculty mentor, engage in two years of group mentoring in early research and creative inquiry development and have access to up to $7,000 in funding towards research expenses during their undergraduate career. The program is open to students in all disciplines. To be eligible students must be a first-year student who:
- Have a minimum 3.75 grade point average;
- Have the endorsement of a faculty member willing to serve as faculty mentor for the two-year program; and
- Have a demonstrated commitment to research/creative inquiry.
The SOURCE fosters and supports diverse undergraduate participation in faculty-guided scholarly research and creative inquiry. Student participants can enhance their skills through training in research or other creative skills, and by designing projects that culminate in research, creative and professional contributions that are original and timely.
The SOURCE team is working an alternate-day arrangement in Bird Library Monday-Thursday and the office is open remotely each day. Staff are available to answer questions and meet by phone, video or email Monday-Friday. E-mail ugresearch@syr.edu to set up a time for a phone or video call.