Alec Gillinder and Quinn King, both fifth-year students in VPA’s School of Design, were among six startups from across New York State to be featured in the Medical Device Innovation Challenge at the NYS Empire State Development-funded CNY Biotech Aceclerator Medical Device Challenge (MDIC) on January 10. Their venture, MedUX, is a medical product design and research firm creating innovative solutions for inpatient, at home, and mobile care. They are currently finalizing their first investment, and will soon be entering the military market with their novel product, L-IV, a shoulder-mounted portable IV system that delivers infusion without the need for an IV pole.
Six teams were selected to receive six-months of free work space in the Creation Garage at the Central New York Biotech Accelerator, intensive mentorship, coordinated access to SUNY Upstate Medical University research partners, clinical experts and core facilities.
- MDIC participants also access the following opportuntities:
- Concept to Commercialization Boot Camp
- NEXT Innovation Conference
- Student Engineering Capstone Design Programs
- MDIC Pitch Event
- Network Expansion, exhibit opportunities, and speaking engagements at trade shows and other innovation events
The Blackstone LaunchPad powered by Techstars at Syracuse University Libraries is a mentor and resource provider for the MDIC program, and Linda Dickerson Hartsock, executive director of the Syracuse LaunchPad is on the CNY BAC advisory board.
For more information: cnybac@upstate.edu