A new creative short film produced by Zain Elwakil ’21 and James Rudman ’21 for the Blackstone LaunchPad focuses on VPA student entrepreneur Danial Khan who is an artist and filmmaker born and raised in Oman. As a senior in Syracuse’s film program, Danial opens up about his journey as a filmmaker, sharing reflections about his most recent work for LOGIC’s summer 2019 tour. Danial considers himself a cross disciplinary artist with interests in art, music, drawing and illustration, and more. The short film by Elwakil and Rudman is an artistic journey into the soul of a multi-talented artist and entrepreneur and is beautifully shot and edited. It’s a must watch. We are so grateful to the team for the care and creativity they put into making this visually rich, creatively complex and aesthetically compelling short film. See it here and explore more of their work on the new Creative Film Spotlights page of our LaunchPad website here.