Innovation Law Center spring 2022 office hours for LaunchPad startups

people at a conference table

Need help understanding how to protect ideas or creative works? Confused about patents, trademarks and copyrights? Join the Innovation Law Center Office Hours for LaunchPad office hours this spring on this Zoom link.

The Syracuse University Innovation Law Center is partnering with the LaunchPad again this semester to host office hours for innovators and inventors interested in commercializing their ideas. Hear insights from law student experts and ask questions on anything related to the technical, legal, and business aspects involved in bringing new technologies to market.

Office hours this spring semester will be 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. virtually on these days, hosted by the ILC team:

  • Wednesday, February 2: Al Michalenko
  • Thursday, February 17: Hilda Frimpong
  • Wednesday, March 2: Alyssa Christian
  • Thursday, March 24: Alyssa Christian
  • Wednesday, April  6: Chris Henley

While the SU Innovation Law Center does not file for or prosecute patents, and does not provide legal advice or opinions, the LaunchPad and the ILC can help refer inventors and entrepreneurs to IP law firms to implement patent, trademark, copyright filings, licensing agreements and other legal work.

Ask questions — don’t let confusion or uncertainty about the legal aspects of startups stop you from pursuing your idea.

If you’d like to schedule a particular time or private conversation during a scheduled session, please e-mail us at