Student researchers, innovators, and creatives still have a week to submit proposals for a variety of grant programs that can fund projects. October 15 is the deadline for a number of undergraduate grant opportunities that include:
- SOURCE Grant (up to $5,000) – Funding opportunity towards original research and/or creative work for this academic year.
- Honors Program Award (up to $5,000) – Funding opportunity towards thesis projects for Renee Crown University Honors students in good standing. Involves additional review of applications by the Honors Award Committee
- Spinoza Award – Awarded to a SOURCE applicant with a project based in philosophy and science
- Lender Center Student Fellowships – Five fellows will be brought on for 2019-2021 to work on projects based in social justice, equity, and inclusion
- Lydia Wasylenko SOURCE Award – Awarded to a SOURCE Applicant with a project based in the humanities or social sciences
- Barry L. Wells SOURCE Award – Awarded to a SOURCE Applicant with a project based in sciences, technology, engineering, arts, or mathematics (STEAM) research
Find more details here:
Save the date for SOURCE Orange Talks & Poster Session. Come hear SOURCE grant recipients give five-minute TED-style talks on their work and enjoy a research poster session. The event will be Friday, November 15 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in Bird Library.
Photo: College of Engineering ECS Undergraduate Research Poster Session, from