SU creatives featured at SYRFILMFEST’s Emerging Filmmaker Showcase this weekend

Optic nerve team

Eight emerging SU filmmakers have been selected to be featured at a New Filmmakers Showcase at this year’s Syracuse International Film Festival.  Several are recent alumni filmmakers who launched micro-production companies as students, working with the LaunchPad.  The films will be screened at the New Filmmakers Showcase, October 13, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m, Shemin Auditorium at Syracuse University as part of the 16th annual SYRFILMFEST.  This year’s festival will screen over 88 films during its three-day run at the three theaters from October 11 – 13.  They include feature length and short films from around the world, including international and USA winners.

The SU films/filmmakers featured at the New Filmmakers Showcase on October 13 include:

  • Optic Nerve, by Peter Hartsock
  • Scream, by Tejah Robinson
  • Dress Up, by David Hinch
  • The Murmurs at Violet Hour, by Codie Yan
  • Muj Kvitek, by Megan Massey, Katiana Weems, Lauren Wilson
  • Trash Day, by Sam Delfavero
  • When the Quiets Come, by Scott Sweitzer
  • Arms Akimmbo, by Abigail Jones

Read the full story about the Syracuse Film Festival in SU news:


  • 16th annual Syracuse International Film Festival (SYRFILMFEST)
  • Films and events, October 11-13 at the Red House Arts Center, 400 S. Salina Street, and at Syracuse University
  • New Filmmakers Showcase, October 13, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m, Shemin Auditorium, Shaffer Art Building, Syracuse University
  • Check the website for full schedule at
  • Red Carpet photo opportunities with festival guests
  • Films by the winners of the local high school and college filmmaking competitions
  • Round-table discussions with all festival and local filmmakers
  • Ticket information here.

Photo:  Cast and SU production crew of Optic Nerve on set