Applications are extended until April 11 for the $30,000 Intelligence ++ Competition, a challenge focused on inclusive entrepreneurship and design. Apply here and read more about the competition details.
The Intelligence ++ Competition is supported by a generous gift to SU Libraries by Gianfranco Zaccai ’70 H’09 and the Zaccai Foundation for Augmented Intelligence (Intelligence++). The challenge is open to all undergraduate and graduate students from all disciplines, with a $30,000 prize package.
Interdisciplinary teams are encouraged to submit proposals for products, services or technologies that address problems or create new opportunities for individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families.
It is offered through a partnership between the LaunchPad, the Taishoff Center for Inclusive Higher Education (InclusiveU) and the College of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA).

Use this simple QR code to apply now for the $30,000 Intelligence ++ Competition.
Applications now close April 11 for the competition on April 16. Qualifying teams will be notified by e-mail if they have been accepted.