Do you have a business idea somewhere in your notebook? Have you plotted out a great idea with a friend, but find yourself stuck on what to do next? Syracuse University Blackstone LaunchPad Ideas Fest on Friday, September 15th at 12:00 p.m. in Bird Library could give you a chance to win up to $500 and support you in turning that idea into something bigger. Go to this link to apply before September 13, 2023.
The event will be a 60-second fast pitch fest designed for students who are just testing out first ideas and aren’t yet ready for prime-time business plan competitions. You don’t need a business plan, or a pitch deck, or a polished pitch. But you have to be “in it to win it.”
The format is simple: What is the problem or opportunity you are working on, and what is your idea? Refreshments will be served, and fun prizes will be awarded for best idea and audience choice. Each entrant will win a free personal consultation on their idea with the Blackstone LaunchPad in Bird Library.
- Applicants must be current students (undergraduate or graduate-level) in the earliest stage of their entrepreneurial journey.
- Applicants must be the founder or co-founder (i.e., the person with the original idea), and may apply individually or in teams of two.
With a focus on diversity, equity and inclusion, the IdeasFest especially encourages students from underrepresented and under-resourced communities, from all majors offered on campus, and students who represent multiple genders and ethnicities.
The event is being organized by Innovation Mentor, Andrew Kim ’24 (Whitman). For more info, e-mail: akim24@syr.edu