Natalie Lui
Natalie LuiWriter
Natalie Lui is a junior at Syracuse University majoring in Fashion Design and minoring in History. Lui became involved with the LaunchPad after venturing outside the fashion industry, creating a dating app that is accessible to people with visible, invisible and neurodiverse disabilities. She continues to proactively work with people with disabilities.


Adya Parida ’25 has a curiosity, courage and attitude that we can all learn from

Adya Parida ’25 has a curiosity, courage and attitude that we can all learn from

Natalie LuiMarch 23, 2022
To be a freshman at a university is intimidating – especially on a big campus like Syracuse University. Whether you’re a freshman or a senior, all of us can recall
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Damaris (Koi) Munyua ’22 is introducing sustainability to the wig industry

Damaris (Koi) Munyua ’22 is introducing sustainability to the wig industry

Natalie LuiFebruary 28, 2022
Wigs have become extremely popular for the fun, fashion, and versatility. You can go from having blue hair to blonde, from blonde to red, from red to whatever color, length,
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Christine Wu’22 wants to bring your favorite Asian snacks to you

Christine Wu’22 wants to bring your favorite Asian snacks to you

Natalie LuiFebruary 14, 2022
Many Asian students on campus, both international students and Asian Americans, have a special place in their hearts for the Asian snacks they grew up with. Oreos and Capri Suns
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Patrick Prioletti G’21 is creating new wellness applications

Patrick Prioletti G’21 is creating new wellness applications

Natalie LuiJanuary 30, 2022
When someone says “wellness app” what comes up to mind? Yoga? Guided meditation? Tracking your calories? Counting your steps? Patrick Prioletti G’21 is creating two wellness apps, but they are
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Yaoxu Zong ’22 is making independent travel possible for everyone

Yaoxu Zong ’22 is making independent travel possible for everyone

Natalie LuiDecember 11, 2021
Being stunned by the Great Pyramids of Giza, getting the best sushi in Japan and tanning on the beaches of Pattaya are on a lot of people’s bucket lists. In
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Eunice Boateng ’22 should be your new favorite hair stylist

Eunice Boateng ’22 should be your new favorite hair stylist

Natalie LuiDecember 2, 2021
For many, one of their favorite personal experiences is having a great conversation with their hair stylist. This experience is not new to Eunice Boateng’s clients at The Hair Thairapist.
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Rich Jiang G’21 is working on a Venmo for cryptocurrency

Rich Jiang G’21 is working on a Venmo for cryptocurrency

Natalie LuiNovember 16, 2021
Rich Jiang G’21 has come up with quite a few business ideas throughout his time in Syracuse as a Computer Science student (both undergraduate and graduate) at the College of
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Nashon Ash ’23 and his self-made music production career

Nashon Ash ’23 and his self-made music production career

Natalie LuiNovember 3, 2021
Nashon Ash ’23 is an extremely busy student. He is a junior, majoring in Social Work at the Falk School of Social Work who spends his time working on school,
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Nikita Chatterjee ’20 continues her entrepreneurial journey with PAANI

Nikita Chatterjee ’20 continues her entrepreneurial journey with PAANI

Natalie LuiOctober 21, 2021
Nikita Chatterjee ‘20 saw her grandmother boiling buckets and buckets of water when she visited her in Mumbai, India. Confused, Chatterjee asked her what she was doing. Her grandmother explained
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