Here’s a quick reminder to enter the TechCrunch Student Pitch Competition powered by Blackstone LaunchPad. You can literally pitch your way to TechCrunch Disrupt for free. But hurry — you must submit your application and your 60-second video pitch by September 9. Click this link to apply.
TechCrunch will review the pitches and choose 20 finalists. Those winners will receive two free tickets to TC Disrupt 2022, two free tickets to any 2023 TechCrunch event, plus Blackstone LaunchPad swag. In addition, the top six finalists get a free, three-night stay in a San Francisco hotel during Disrupt 2022. They’ll also be featured in a TechCrunch article and receive a mentor session with Blackstone LaunchPad and Techstars staff.
Pitching is an essential skill that every startup founder needs, and this is a great way to practice. You have less than one month to submit your application. Prep your pitch and apply now.