Calling Whitman students to jump into Orange Tank. Applications are due October 22 for this fall’s annual Orange Tank business pitch competition. The competition is open only to student and alumni teams with a Whitman founder or co-founder. Learn more here and apply.
Teams will vie for $42,000 in cash prizes. A grand prize of $25,000 will be awarded to the competition’s top finisher. Monetary awards will be given to the ventures finishing in first, second and third place in both the student and alumni category.
The application deadline for all teams (both student and alumni based) will be Oct. 22, 2021 by 11:59 p.m. No exceptions. Please submit your executive summary to: jtorrens@syr.edu
Finalists will be notified by October 26, 2021.
The final live event will be November 4 at Whitman, with the three teams in each division delivering an extended elevator pitch to finals judges with extended Q&A earlier in the day. Alumni can be virtual and student presentations will be live. Winners will be announced at a reception and networking event at Whitman that evening.