Claire HowardWriter
Visionary committed to community good and entrepreneurship with a social impact. Experienced venture founder skilled in economics, writing, editing, and multiple languages. Currently studying for an Economics BS and International Relations BA at Syracuse University.
Earn academic credit working on your social entrepreneurship in Fall 2023
For students interested in the intersection of social impact and innovation and the use of entrepreneurial thinking to create positive change, the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs is
Blackstone LaunchPad to host new Lunch&Learn series starting March 8
Interested in trying your hand at graphic design? Always wanted to publish your writing, but not sure how? Struggling to figure out how your business’s tax forms should be filled
Ud Joseph ’25 creates a mentoring network to support youth and build communities
Posse Scholar and Syracuse student Ud Joseph ’25, studying Information Management and Technology in the School of Information Studies, is committed to creating connected and uplifting community. Born in Arcahaie,
Gabriel Davila-Campos ’25 on fusing technology, entrepreneurship and academic excellence
Gabriel Davila-Campos ’25, studying Applied Data Analytics with a concentration in Information Security Management along with a minor in Innovation, Design and Start-Ups, in the School of Information Studies, has
Sandra Appiah Babu-Boateng ’10, Techstars Boston, partners with the Syracuse LaunchPad to beta test her mentor matching platform, LegacyShift
Hours of studying, networking, writing cover letters, and practicing interviews is something college students work tirelessly at for one purpose: getting their first job after graduation. However, when that offer
Vanessa Lora G ’23 on embracing her Hispanic heritage, identity and creative artistry
When musician, videographer, recorder, and producer Vannessa Lora is asked who she is, she answers simply: “I’m just an artist.” From her roots in the Bronx to her graduate music
Ethan Tyo ’17, G’22 is featured in the New York Times and Seattle Times as he grows AlterNative
Ethan Tyo ’17, G’22 is featured in the New York Times and Seattle Times as he grows AlterNative Growing up on the Mohawk reservation of Akwesasne, Ethan Tyo ’17 G’22
Zebedayo Masongo L ’23 and Grnwood
The story of creating an oasis in a society with racism engrained into its foundations begins in a small district Tulsa, Oklahoma, at the turn of the 19th century. It
Rabia Razzaq G ’22 is designing solutions to global challenges
From Pakistan, Razzaq’s interest in design began after several years working in the fashion industry. As she lived and worked in Pakistan, she noticed the disturbing air quality as pollutants
See our Startup Spotlights for more at launchpad.syr.edu/news/startup-spotlights.